How to Cook Seafood

How to cook seafood is a big question for many boating and cruising people. The best part of the cruising diet for me is getting back to eating a lot of seafood, generally of a widely varying nature, species unknown and tastes also new.  Obviously you can catch your own fish and some others, something many cruisers including myself attempt. But like many you can also purchase at local wet markets at reasonable or even cheap prices depending on where you are and whether its seasonal. 

How to Cook Seafood

Look at these tips on how to buy seafood and how to cook seafood and how to buy fish. Also how to buy shellfish, all those lovely lobsters and crabs and more. Buying shellfish mollusks such as oysters, clams, octopus, calimari and more.  You have to get the best quality and freshest seafood you can if you want to enjoy the cooking. Also check out how to catch fish for a refresher on self sufficiency in seafood. Yacht fishing and sailboat fishing are self sufficiency pastimes. Read up about ciguatera and ciguatera poisoning, important things to be aware of.

How to Cook Seafood - Fish

Cooking fish is not that hard and with so many methods you choose what works for you. There are just so many fish species and every cruising location has something delicious to offer.  How to cook fish? How to pan fry fish? How to bake fish, grill fish, steam fish, make fish cakes and a lot more. Do you like raw fish recipes? then check out ceviche recipes. Cooking your fish on board while cruising is usually the simplest and fastest way. Look at these how to cook fish ideas. How about cooking fish cakes.  The choice is endless from the best fish taco recipe to fish stews. Check out some of my favorite best fish recipes.  Also more fish recipe ideas and fish recipes.

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Snapped this image while in Venice, the most wonderful seafood market image as only the Italians can do. 

How to Cook Seafood - Crustaceans 

Crustaceans fall into a few distinct groups, probably my favorite seafood.

Shrimp and Prawns.  There are a large variety of prawns, shrimps, langoustines and similar crustaceans.  Equally there are as many methods of enjoying them.  How to cook prawns and how to cook shrimp and how to cook prawns.

Crabs.  There are a great many varieties of crabs available around the world, and most are delicious, ask locals which are the best.  Personally I prefer sand crabs which are sweet, but a good muddy is hard to beat. How about cooking crabs and cooking crab cakes. Check out Balmain Bugs and Moreton Bay Bugs if in Australia.

Lobsters and crayfish.  The piece de resistance of the ocean pantry, there are many varieties and all are delightful. How to Cook lobster and how to cook live lobster as well as how to cook crayfish.

How to Cook Seafood - Molluscs 

The Mollusc family is extremely diverse to say the least and exceedingly delicious to say the lest.  There are a few groupings as follows, all available worldwide and well worth indulging:

Mussels, Scallops, Clams (Razor, Surf), Cockles, Pipis, Winkles, Vongole,  (Bivalves) While available in many locations if you cruise New Zealand do not miss out. How to cook mussels, so many delicious methods to have a go at. For me I just love clam chowder.

Oysters. The varieties worldwide are amazing, France is a major place, as well as Australia, I just love them.

Conches, Whelks, Abalone (Gastropods). The conch is widely located throughout Caribbean and the Pacific. How to cook conch.

Octopus, Cuttlefish and Squid (Cephalopods). Most markets will have them around the world. How to cook calimari and how to cook octopus.

More great boating and sailing food ideas and how to cook seafood.