Evinrude, 130hp Etec 2008

by DukeLilac
(Crown Point, IN USA)

I purchased boat 2 days ago and was in bass tournament today and after no issues all morning I pulled into cove and when I went to trim up engine there was nothing. No power to motor. Couldn't trim and couldn't start. After grueling time getting out of water we were able to manually release the motor and get it up. Batteries were all 90% checked all fuses and changed anything even remotely questionable and still nothing. Does anyone have any ideas or had this issue? Thank you in advance. Ashley

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Oct 11, 2020
No power issue but hot battery’s
by: Spence

A bad connection on a battery can drive you crazy. Clean / shiny connections paramount to a start. . Use one of those battery terminal / post cleaner to make shiny on post and terminal. Then use CRC’s cleaner and protectant ( 2 different cans) on terminals. Turn key to on position should hear a confirmation beep . Start your motor.if stuck on the water, a pocket knife can substitute for a terminal . Never leave the ramp without a tool to get terminals off.

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