96 2050 bayliner boat falls over in the corner.

by Aaron

I have a 96 2050 bayliner. I just bought the boat. When skiing or wakeboarding and loose a skier when you make a hard left hand turn the boat will start turning and just roll over tell water is on the verge of coming over the side. It wont turn at that point it just kind of slides across the water. It will hold in the turn just fine making a right hand turn. If you go slow into a left turn and then accelerate turning left it does better but not good enough. What the h**l is going on. It drives me nuts. Is it possible it has air in the line for the power steering. It is an I/O alpha 1 gen 2 drive.

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Jul 11, 2010
Fuel shifting
by: Anonymous

My best guess is that this occurs when the gas tank if 1/2 full or less. I believe it shifts from one side to the next when in the turn and that does not happen when full. It does hold quite a bit of gas. Mine is a 195 and it holds 35 gallons. Good luck!

Sep 01, 2009
falling over in the corner
by: Anonymous

I recently noticed that the bottom of the drive, the fin below the prop is slighly bent over to one side(out of center verticle alignment). Didnt notice it before! Check to see if you have the same. Maybe this is causing the problem. Does anyone know if it can be straightend with out braking the fin off?

Aug 31, 2009
my boat falls over in the corner
by: al lewis

I have a proline 201 cuddy that does the same thing. If i'm trimmed down and take-off it will roll left coming out of the hole and will ride like that until i trim it up. and you want to say scary when i was turning pulling a tube the boat fell over left and felt like it would keep on going till it capsized. wish i knew how to prevent this.

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