91 johnson 60hp 3cyl

by Luke
(Marquette iowa)

Losses spark on no.1 after 10sec. The trigger,stator,power pack and coil have been replaced. I've cleaned all grounds and checked magnets in flywheel. What else is there?

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Sep 08, 2023
spark plug?
by: Anonymous

spark plug itself and hi.voltage wiring. Do basic measurements.
Put ohm meter from the ground to all coils, stator outputs for each cylinder and compare. Try to compare and see if you can find a differences. Measure conductivity across of wiriest too. Sometimes a connector look good but the wire is broken inside. Wiries should be like 0.1 ohm, wiggle them while a miter is connected to test for intermittent

Sep 08, 2023
loss of power
by: Terry B

this may sound stupid, but did you change the spark plug it's the only thing you did not list. Also sometimes you get bad parts out of the box so i would pull one of the other coils and switch it just as a test.

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