1990 Yamaha 225etld

by Aaron

This motor on land will rev up no problem in gear out of gear. When it's in the water it will have a hole shot but at about 4500 it will studder and slow down. I've had the carbs rebuilt changed all fuel lines and the prime bulb. Also changed the fuel filters I'm at my wits end with this

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Jun 10, 2023
no rev?
by: Anonymous

Hi, what do you mean a hole shot ? anyway the diff. between out and on waters is a torque on the prop. so your motor won't do rpms coz got no enough power and that goes back to the fuel feed and carb, sometimes as simple as a fuel filter in line, water in fuel, or a carb linkage not opening carbs a full trothed. than the gearbox low oil or something, bended transfer rod etc.

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