1967 MQ13 9.5 HP Evinrude

by Daniel
(Solon, Ohio)

1967 MQ13 9.5 HP Evinrude

1967 MQ13 9.5 HP Evinrude

I believe my fuel pump is getting slow; when I go full speed after 10-20 seconds the engine acts like is running out of gas. I drop down the speed and it recovers. Looking for a fuel pump kit I found out that all available kits out there are for pumps with an in-feed or maybe out-feed and filter cap on the face of the pump. Mine does not have that. The face is a solid metal plate and both in-feed and out-feed are on the side. I do have a glass ball with a wire screen filter inside prior to the pump. Is this the result of somebody's imagination or factory? How do I solve this problem? Thank you and Happy New Year!

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