evinrude 40hp 2010 2-stroke

by Duncan T
(Brighton UK)

evinrude 40hp 2010 2-stroke

evinrude 40hp 2010 2-stroke

Hi new to E-techs and I run a boat charity unit called the Maritime Volunteer Service.
We had a great day yesterday, engine runing very well. about 28c all day in the sun and after we stopped and shut down the engine for an hour or so, she splutterd to plane and then dropped to low power and would faltten out at reves as though no fule to the piston. We limped the 3s mile home so i assume the fuel pump works.

Fule filter seems ok, we tried 3 lines and a different tank. Do 2-stroke etechs clog the jets? I'm think block in the high speed jet?

Sometimes it'll give a tast of biting the hi speed just to sound like a wet f*rt.

Please help as money is tight for the unit and if we can fix it we'd like to try before we spend money on a new coil etc.


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