1988 21' Larson cuddy

by Waker
(Burlington, Vt)

I own a 1988 21' larson cuddy. I do a lot of wakeboarding with it and it normally has a pretty decent hole shot. However for the past few weeks, when I hit the throttle it really has a tough time. The boat starts fine and runs at top end fine, but when I hit the throttle it doesn't have any power. Today for the first time it started 'pinkin' after i turned it off. it has only done that once and didn't do it again for the rest of the day. I thought my problem was moisture in the gas but after today I don't know whether it is the timing off slightly, or something in the electrical, distributer or if I just haven't sacrificed enough virgins to the boat gods this year. If you could point me in a direction that would be outstanding. thanks

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Jul 01, 2019
by: steve staff

21 ft cuddy for wakeboarding is a lot of weight to jump out the water in. Im sure once up it handles well same happened to a friend he had some semi stored gas in it one of the fuel lines was deteriorated due to ethanol..changed it ran sea foam thru the system and then found he had his smallest prop on we went up one size same pitch and worked fine it remember ph levels in water and time of season(month, water temps) have quite a bit to do with freshwater performance .warmer the water around july ,lesser the ph and oxygen. downsize prop to compensate
happy boating

Jul 29, 2008
by: Anonymous

My sugestion is to taljk to someone who can answer the questions you have first hand.

Try going online at www.Go2marine.com and go to their Boat Parts Info forum. They have a staff in Washington Sate with lots of experience with this type of thing.


Jul 29, 2008
by: Anonymous

My sugestion is to taljk to someone who can answer the questions you have first hand.

Try going online at www.Go2marine.com and go to their Boat Parts Info forum. They have a staff in Washington Sate with lots of experience with this type of thing.


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