15 foot 1974 Fiberform Bowrider boat problems

by Mike
(Coeur d Alene, ID)

1974 Fiberform Bowrider

1974 Fiberform Bowrider

Can anyone tell me what make and size of outboard motor this boat normally was outfitted with from the showroom floor? Right now it has an 85hp, 1975 Mercury four cylinder, long shaft on it and does not ride well on the water (tail heavy). It has an after market CMC power tilt and trim adapter that sets the motor further back aft about 6 1/2 more inches behind the transom. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Apr 16, 2022
Motor HP too big for boat...
by: Anonymous

The motor picture shows an "85" on it which is reasonable to assume that s an 85hp motor...BUT, what Maximum HP does the capacity plate say? My guess is this boat is only rated for a 50 hp motor and the 85hp is not even legal, or insurable.....Most smaller boats didn't offer power trim and tilt since the motors weren't that heavy. But someone added this set up to be more convenient to trim on the fly like larger motors do.....If the 85 hp motor is legal by the capacity plate and the boat is designed to handle a motor that heavy on the back, then try getting rid of the setback plate.

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