08 mercury 90 efi, on Fisher freedom pontoon electrical problem

by Keith
(Greers ferry lake)

While docking at nite , I turn my docking lites on , and all of my lites and stock stereo go off .this happened last week. I went down to try and trouble shoot , I put key to aux ..tried to turn on stereo..and it worked ( I didn't play any sound), as well as the lites ...so I go out that nite ..come back to dock ...it happens again ...I am thinking the docking lites and stereo are the problem when both in use ...I checked fuses...they are not burned out ???

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Sep 10, 2020
by: Keith

Ok, after crawling under my helm about 5 times ,and fumbeling with the wires ...I finally found the problem , the ground terminal was lose ....tightened up ..problem solved...Don't I feel stupid ..

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